Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving Hangover

So Thanksgiving was great! The turkey and stuffing was excellent as always! The weekend with the children and family was blessed! Then there was the drive home. That had it's own issues. I can sum up the whole travel time back home with one word, T R A F F I C. I could go on and on but what would it matter. I am sure everyone had their own experiences with the road. I am just thankful we made it home safe and sound.

The cats were happy to see us after 4 days on their own. Charles, our biggest one, has been glued to me the entire time we have been home. He has to sit right next to me as I am doing my class work online.

I am looking for a job and I know that God will supply the employment for me by the end of the week. I have placed several applications in and am awaiting replies. I started school this week so to get my associates in business management. It is proving to be interesting and will stretch my will power to it's fullest.

I guess I just wanted to say that I am thankful for my family, friends, church and most of all, the privilege to be alive!

Have a blessed day!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Christmas without the kids.

As posted in earlier blog, we have moved over 600 miles from my daughter and my grandchildren. We are so happy to be in the south and I especially am happy to be back in the south again! We lived in Erie, PA and they had their first snow blizzard this year while I was enjoying 65 degree weather! Yes, I called my daughter and asked how the weather was and she was rather rude to me. (all in fun!) I can't imagine why? (stated with a bit of sarcasm)
Unfortunately we will not be able to see them for the Christmas season. We will be able to go for 2 days the day after Thanksgiving and spend some time with them. I will miss watching the grandchildren open their gifts and miss the joy in their little faces, and my daughter's face and embraces. We always have great times during Christmas, because it is the one time of year, (and it should be all year long!) that we embrace each other and ignore the differences! My parents are gone, and my daughter and son are all I have left of a family, (except my sister who has her own family). My son is in Iraq this year and my prayers go out to him and his wife in TN. (please keep him in your prayers this season!) My daughter and I have never been apart during Christmas and this will be the hardest thing for both of us.
All we have ever had has been each other. She has been with me through everything in my life and shared in everything and I in hers, it is hard to imagine Christmas without her. We have been each other's strength and support and laughter. She is so much more than my daughter, she is my best friend! I was there with her during the births of both boys and watched life begin from the little girl God gave me. I just pray and hope that she knows how much she means to me and how very sorry I am that I can't be there for Christmas due to job obligations.
I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with her when my mother died and when I delivered her, she became the reason for my life at that moment. I was so lost when my mother died, it was the life I carried and then delivered that God gave me that kept me from doing anything stupid. Thank you God for her and my son! They are truly God given gifts!
Laqueta, know that you have and always will be the light of my life!

A Different Kind of Driving

There is a new chapter beginning, or should I say picking up where it left off, in my life. It doesn't involve driving at this time. I quit my previous job with that company due to two things. One, they were not an EOE as they proclaimed and two, I am pursuing another call on my life. One thing is for sure, the road I am on now is a road of discovery and with more adventure than I could ever dream of.

You see, way back, about 30 years ago, I was anointed and blessed by God and a call was placed in my heart. I was about 15 at the time. I then spent most of my life running from that call and trying to do everything I could to stay away from that call. What I wasn't aware of was that everything I went through, every life lesson I was learning, every experience I had was leading me to this very place and time now in my life.

Sometimes we go through life thinking so much about the here-and-now that we loose ourselves in the day to day concerns overlooking the what-could-be. I was very guilty of that myself. I was always trying to "fix" the things in my life and thinking I was in control or at least attempting to be in control. I was forever looking backward into my past trying to recapture the reasons I was going through so much and blaming my past for everything. I have since realized it is the choices I was making in that present which gave me to stumble.

I now know that the past is great for good memories of pleasant times, but it is not the basis of which to build my life on now. I live in the here-and-now always dreaming and believing about the what-could-be and knowing that it is God who is in control, and through Him, all my dreams will come true.

I have quit driving over the road commercially for good. After 15 years of over the road driving for companies, I can leave that chapter without regret and am excited about the prospects of what will come. My father told me to "stop and smell the roses" and I realized that it is very hard to smell the roses while traveling at a speed of 55mph or more. I am now going to live my life with me in it and more importantly, with God driving. I've read the bumper stickers, "God is my C0-pilot", well, I have given the wheel to Him and now He is the pilot, I am soaking up the scenery!

I don't know where the road will lead me, but I know who is driving! I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds Tomorrow!

So with a little apprehension, (you know, the kind of apprehension you feel at the top of a roller coaster hill just before it plummets down the huge hill that makes your stomach feel like it is in your throat), I am on my way! (can you hear me screaming with delight and fear!)

Driving Miss Tara is still a good name for this because now it is still a journey of discovery and I will keep you up on all that I find!

Until next time, peace be with you!