Monday, November 12, 2007

A Different Kind of Driving

There is a new chapter beginning, or should I say picking up where it left off, in my life. It doesn't involve driving at this time. I quit my previous job with that company due to two things. One, they were not an EOE as they proclaimed and two, I am pursuing another call on my life. One thing is for sure, the road I am on now is a road of discovery and with more adventure than I could ever dream of.

You see, way back, about 30 years ago, I was anointed and blessed by God and a call was placed in my heart. I was about 15 at the time. I then spent most of my life running from that call and trying to do everything I could to stay away from that call. What I wasn't aware of was that everything I went through, every life lesson I was learning, every experience I had was leading me to this very place and time now in my life.

Sometimes we go through life thinking so much about the here-and-now that we loose ourselves in the day to day concerns overlooking the what-could-be. I was very guilty of that myself. I was always trying to "fix" the things in my life and thinking I was in control or at least attempting to be in control. I was forever looking backward into my past trying to recapture the reasons I was going through so much and blaming my past for everything. I have since realized it is the choices I was making in that present which gave me to stumble.

I now know that the past is great for good memories of pleasant times, but it is not the basis of which to build my life on now. I live in the here-and-now always dreaming and believing about the what-could-be and knowing that it is God who is in control, and through Him, all my dreams will come true.

I have quit driving over the road commercially for good. After 15 years of over the road driving for companies, I can leave that chapter without regret and am excited about the prospects of what will come. My father told me to "stop and smell the roses" and I realized that it is very hard to smell the roses while traveling at a speed of 55mph or more. I am now going to live my life with me in it and more importantly, with God driving. I've read the bumper stickers, "God is my C0-pilot", well, I have given the wheel to Him and now He is the pilot, I am soaking up the scenery!

I don't know where the road will lead me, but I know who is driving! I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds Tomorrow!

So with a little apprehension, (you know, the kind of apprehension you feel at the top of a roller coaster hill just before it plummets down the huge hill that makes your stomach feel like it is in your throat), I am on my way! (can you hear me screaming with delight and fear!)

Driving Miss Tara is still a good name for this because now it is still a journey of discovery and I will keep you up on all that I find!

Until next time, peace be with you!

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