Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving Hangover

So Thanksgiving was great! The turkey and stuffing was excellent as always! The weekend with the children and family was blessed! Then there was the drive home. That had it's own issues. I can sum up the whole travel time back home with one word, T R A F F I C. I could go on and on but what would it matter. I am sure everyone had their own experiences with the road. I am just thankful we made it home safe and sound.

The cats were happy to see us after 4 days on their own. Charles, our biggest one, has been glued to me the entire time we have been home. He has to sit right next to me as I am doing my class work online.

I am looking for a job and I know that God will supply the employment for me by the end of the week. I have placed several applications in and am awaiting replies. I started school this week so to get my associates in business management. It is proving to be interesting and will stretch my will power to it's fullest.

I guess I just wanted to say that I am thankful for my family, friends, church and most of all, the privilege to be alive!

Have a blessed day!

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